Yes, You Still Have Time to Get in Gear for ICD-10

Yes, You Still Have Time to Get in Gear for ICD-10

We’ve been talking about ICD-10 since last spring. And now, the industry is less than three months from its October 1 deadline, when coding and documentation requirements will officially transition. That means healthcare business offices across the nation will have to start rolling with the new system—or face the consequences of noncompliance. But the consequences […]

Keeping Patients Happy to Keep Business Healthy

Keeping Patients Happy to Keep Business Healthy

I think it’s safe to say that anyone in the healthcare industry is aware of patient satisfaction surveys and their importance. At least remotely. That doesn’t mean you know what kind of information those surveys try to collect and maybe you’re not fully aware of what makes the surveys so important. But the point is, […]

How To Be A Rockstar: Accounts Receivable Specialist

How To Be A Rockstar: Accounts Receivable Specialist

in2itive’s “How To Be a Rockstar” series takes a look at the individual roles that make up an amazing business office and revenue cycle management team. Learn from our own rockstar leaders what makes each role essential, how we measure each role’s success and what tasks and obstacles come with the territory. Meet Donna Haynes: […]

Rising To the Top: Meet New in2itive Director Brandi Chesney

Rising To the Top: Meet New in2itive Director Brandi Chesney

Every band of rock stars needs a fearless leader, and a multi-talented troupe like ours is no exception. From the top-down, our president, vice president, directors and managers bring just the right mix of experience, professionalism, zaniness and pride to keep in2itive in sync and two steps ahead. The greatest leaders emerge from within —they’re […]

How To Be a Rockstar: Revenue Cycle Manager

How To Be a Rockstar: Revenue Cycle Manager

in2itive’s “How To Be a Rockstar” series takes a look at the individual roles that make up an amazing business office and revenue cycle management team. Learn from our own rockstar leaders what makes each role essential, how we measure each role’s success and what tasks and obstacles come with the territory. Meet Virginia “Ginny” Finocchio: Revenue […]

How Data Keeps the Piggy Bank Fat

How Data Keeps the Piggy Bank Fat

We hear the word “data” almost every day now—data plans for your phone, software to protect your personal data, and how “big data” is in play for almost any industry you can imagine. But if you’re involved in revenue cycle management, data should be more than a topic you hear about in passing. It’s key […]

Giving Accounts Receivable a Spring Cleaning

Giving Accounts Receivable a Spring Cleaning

Let’s talk about spring cleaning for your A/R. I’m not interested in whether you’ve found the rainy day motivation to dust the top of the fridge or sweep under the dryer—how you roll at home is your business, and you’ve got my vote if you’d rather outsource that kind of chore. What I want to […]

ASC Revenue Cycle Management Case Study, Part 2

ASC Revenue Cycle Management Case Study, Part 2

A modern day fairytale at the Ambulatory Surgery Center… Pend Oreille Surgery Center LLC (POSC)Ambulatory Surgery Center • Ponderay, Idaho “…accounts receivable is a challenging scene where there are countless obstacles and multiple ways of doing the same thing” What we discovered at POSC is something in2itive comes across often. ASC business office management and accounts receivable is […]

ASC Revenue Cycle Management Case Study, Part 1

ASC Revenue Cycle Management Case Study, Part 1

Pend Oreille Surgery Center LLC Ambulatory Surgery Center • Ponderay, Idaho It began as a short-term solution. Pend Oreille Surgery Center (POSC) was faced with a temporarily leaderless business office when their ASC business office manager stepped away on medical leave. Fortunately, the facility relies on AmkaiEnterprise for management and EMR system solutions and found in2itive Business […]

ASC A/R Leaving Money On The Table?

ASC A/R Leaving Money On The Table?

Is what’s out of sight, ever truly out of mind? From the unopened pile of mail on the kitchen counter to the unpacked boxes that get carted to each new home, these items remain largely untouched and out of sight, but I’d venture that most of us wonder from time to time if it might […]