Stay Profitable With Some A/R Spring Cleaning.

Stay profitable with some A/R spring cleaning.

We’re starting to hear talks of reopening ASCs and trust us, we could not be more excited! That said, reopening for elective procedures is still not an immediate option for many ASCs. If you are finding that you and/or your staff still have some extra time on your hands and are looking for some ideas to stay productive – we’re here for you!

We’ve compiled a list of things you can do now to put your center in the best possible financial and operational position when cases fully resume.

  1. We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again. If you have outstanding A/R, it is your key to generating revenue while case volume is low. Be sure to call on every single account and follow up and if you need some extra man power – we can help!
  2. Knock out your coding audit. Why not!? You have some extra time on your hands. Give us a call and we’ll get you scheduled so you can maximize your revenue when your case volume returns.
  3. You see it on the shelf, you know how many you have in stock, but what about those invoices piling up? Now is a great time to organize those invoices by manufacturer, and/or product. By doing this, you can ensure you are getting the best price and identify which manufacturers you should be negotiating with to get the best price.
  4. Audit your front desk staff. Now is a great time to open a few recent cases and check everything top to bottom. Was the patient properly registered? Were they given an accurate estimate? Was any money collected up front? Were all waivers signed and scanned? Was the case coded and billed timely? Was it paid according to contract? If not, has the claim been followed up on? If not, remedy the problem and outline some notes for your staff.
  5. If you don’t have an EMR, scan those charts! During the hustle and bustle of the week, patients are in and out and down time is rarely found. If you were watching charts pile up in the storeroom, now is a great time to get those audited and either boxed or scanned to make room for the surge of patients hopefully headed your way.

We hope you find these tips helpful. If you need help with your A/R Cleanup or your Coding Audit, please reach out to us! Also, we’d love to hear from you! Comment below with any additional tasks you’ve completed at your center to stay productive during the “downtime”.  Be well!

Leave us a comment below or give us a call today at 855-208-5566!

Are you leaving money on the table?

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