Owning the Awkwardness

Owning the Awkwardness

Take a moment and imagine this: you’re taking a trip to the grocery store to gather food for the coming week. You spend your time walking up and down aisles collecting ingredients for each meal, then proceed to the line where your items are scanned and bagged. Yet, this entire time, you have had no […]

Solving Your Problematic Payer Issues with in2itive

Solving Your Problematic Payer Issues with in2itive

Do you have a payer that is a thorn in your side? From consistent denials to non-existent payments, this payer often puts themselves into your higher aging buckets and gives you a run for your money. Unfortunately, this is a common theme seen in ASC billing offices, and balances often end up written off when […]

in2itive’s Workers’ Compensation Claim Checklist

in2itive's Workers' Compensation Claim Checklist

Workers’ Compensation cases are often known to cause a headache when it comes to collecting; from denied claims to negotiating payment, the cycle can often seem endless. Thankfully, our team of Workers’ Compensation experts have found the tips and tricks over time that help ensure their claims get processed and paid in a timely manner. […]

5 Ways to Maximize the use of your ASC Billing System

5 Ways to Maximize the use of your ASC Billing System

Do you ever look at your cell phone and know there’s about a million things it can do that you’ve never taken the time to try, or understand? We’ve found ASC Billing Systems can be the same way. Technology is advancing and these systems are powerful, but sometimes it’s hard to set aside time to […]

Preparing for an Influx of Cases Following Vaccine Distribution

Preparing for an Influx of Cases Following Vaccine Distribution

Like most ASC’s this past year, you were probably shut down for a period of time because of COVID and couldn’t perform surgeries and are now preparing for an influx of cases. The original timeline of when the influx will occur, like most things with COVID, has been drawn out longer than anyone predicted and […]

in2itive’s Expertise with BCBS of Illinois: Experience Report

in2itive’s Expertise with BCBS of Illinois: Experience Report

If you are working at or with an Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) in Illinois, you have more than likely come across the Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of IL Experience Report. And if you have come across it, you won’t soon forget it. BCBS’ payment structure and the complexity of the Experience Report, have been […]

Putting in2itive’s Expertise to Work on Your Contract Negotiations

Putting in2itive's Expertise to Work on Your Contract Negotiations

You’ve heard it before, “work smarter, not harder”. In the revenue cycle space, the most obvious example of this concept is having the best possible contract in place with your in-network payers. After all, you can’t collect what you don’t bill out. In order to ensure you are being reimbursed as much as possible on […]

Is Your Facility Raising Fees in 2021?

Is Your Facility Raising Fees in 2021?

It’s a busy time of year in an Ambulatory Surgery Center. Cases may have slowed a bit following the end of year rush, but there’s no shortage of things to do. Your task list is likely full of things like: finalizing 2020 figures, preparing for a board meeting, following up on claims from the December […]

Did You Receive Maximum Reimbursement in 2020?

Did You Receive Maximum Reimbursement in 2020?

No surprises here, 2020 was a crazy year. We recently came across a post by Simon Holland that summed it up pretty well, “Don’t know about you all but I could really go for some precedented times.” You can say that again! Unfortunately we remain in unprecedented times, but we’re not going to let that […]

Contract Management: Updating Fee Schedules 2020

Contract Management: Updating Fee Schedules 2020

It’s that time of year again! Medicare has finalized their highly anticipated 2021 Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Payment System Final Rule. So, what’s next? Each ASC, and Physician who practices at an ASC, should review the ruling to see how it impacts their business and their bottom line. Some things to consider: It’s also the […]

Becker's Annual Business & Operations of ASCs

October 30 – November 2, 2024

AASCA Annual Conference

June 27 – June 28, 2024

Gulf States ASC Conference

June 11 – June 13, 2024


April 17 – April 19, 2024


March 14 – March 16, 2024