Revenue Cycle Management from in2itive

Revenue Cycle Management from in2itive

Those of us who have spent time in an Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) know that contrary to the general quiet of the waiting room, there is a whole world behind those doors full of constant commotion. You might find phones that never seem to stop ringing, or staff members frantically searching for a missing chart, or inventory deliveries that seem to always arrive at the worst possible time.  Or our personal favorite, the frantic energy of trying to balance and close the books at the end of the month. In this world of constant chaos, wouldn’t it be nice to have one thing that just works?

When you trust in2itive with your Revenue Cycle Management, we’re always working in the background. Your Revenue Cycle can be the one thing that works seamlessly without your constant attention.

You could task your Revenue Cycle Management to your in-house staff, but they require just that, constant attention. They require training and coaching. They also have vacation and sick days, or worse, give their notice; all of which leave you short staffed and scrambling to find coverage.

You could opt to use your management company’s Centralized Billing Office (CBO), but you’re often left with little input on processes and have few options to pursue if you feel the results are not strong enough.

At in2itive, we’re constantly working in the background to ensure all the details of your Revenue Cycle are carefully and tediously looked after. We are managing processes on your behalf on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis. Each day we’re coding, entering charges, billing charges, posting payments and following up on past due accounts. Each week we track temp coded cases, run a soft close and track progress to our collection goals. Each month we review credits, process refunds, close the books and run reports. And finally, each year we update your billing software, update contracts and fee schedules and schedule your annual audit. All of this is done without your constant management, but with as much oversight and communication as you’d like.

We take pride in living up to our word, and constantly working in the background. To view a comprehensive list of all of our daily, weekly, monthly and annual tasks, download our ASC Billing Checklist below and let us uncover your lost revenue.

ASC Billing Checklist

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